Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Death came again - a bewildered assumption

Death came again

riding by a by-cycle
Death came again

wearing a mask

and burning alive those ducks

as fleshes are scattered everywhere

thin red lines were evaporated to air

seems Death fear its own death

as life is depending too much on life

Death came again

making this planet sinks within Death Ocean

Hermits as always just sit in the corner

of their monogamy world

Death is sinking the planet
into its own domain
still submerged halfway in Death Ocean
and see, when you and I bleed outside
we bleed inside too

only those things
that rippling
among this silence universe

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Joymoti : The first radical film of India

A Restored Film Joymoti creates a stir at the 10th Osian’s-Cinefan Festival

‘Joymoti’, an Assamese film by the late Jyotiprasad Agarwalla, was a film far ahead of its times when made in 1935 and was inspired by movements in Russia in the 1920s, noted filmmaker Altaf Mazid said at a press meet organized at the 10th Osian’s-Cinefan Festival in New Delhi. Speaking about the restoration of the film undertaken by him at his own cost because of the way he was impressed with the film, Altaf said he had been inspired to make the film when he saw a documentary on Agarwalla 25 years ago and his curiosity was aroused. He looked at the film as not just an interesting state artifact, but also a nationally significant piece of Indian culture. The film was based on Lakshminath Bezbaruah’s play on the 17th century story of Sati Joymati and starred Aideu Handique and Phani Sharma. Interestingly after much search, only one reel of the film could be found in the garage in the house then occupied by Agarwalla’s. Since the rights of the film lay with the Assam Government, Altaf said he had proceeded on his own and managed to collect parts of the film from various sources and restored it. He hopes the state will produce a digital print from the restored version. ‘Joymoti’ was the first film in Assamese and was also the first talkie in the state when it was released by Chitralekha Movietone in 1935. 

Altaf is a critic turned filmmaker who made his first film ‘Jibon’ in the mid-nineties and screened it at the International Film Festival of India in Hyderabad. It won the Director’s prize at the Seventh Pyongyang Film Festival of Non-aligned and Developing countries. Lakhtokiat Golam (Closed Door and stuff inside the magazine syndrome) was able to attract wide critical appraisal and his other films include ‘Our Common future’, ‘The Joy of Giving’, ‘Las Vegasat’, and ‘Bhal Khabar’. He preferred to make films on the video format because they became more personal, he said his next one would be on the River Pagladia in Assam which flows down from Bhutan. Altaf said he found that the content and the format of Joymati were very different from conventional films. The restored film has already been screened in several festivals in India and overseas including the ‘Bollywood and Beyond’ in Stuttgart in Germany and in Rome and Munich. He had spent Rs 300,000 from his personal savings for the restoration and had not received any help from the government so far. At present he is in the process of sub-titling four other Assamese films of the early era, including some of the seventies.

Noted filmmaker Altaf Mazid at a press meet organized at the 10th Osian’s-Cinefan Festival. ‘Joymoti’, an Assamese film by the late Jyotiprasad Agarwalla, a film far ahead of its times when made in 1935 and was inspired by movements in Russia in the 1920s. Being held at the Siri Fort Auditorium, New Delhi.

Joymoti : The first radical film of India: - An article by Altaf Mazid

An interview with Altaf Mazid on the film Joymoti and restoration

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Only Breath - A brilliant, majestic piece of poetry by RUMI

I don’t mind and its ok, that you no need to read anything from this blog but only this. It’s a master piece of words and those words which revealed core value of life. Although we miss here original phonetic and linguistic appeal of this poetry as we lost few dimensions in the English translation. Still it is as divine, absolute and as original for its universality. The poem is layered with Mysticism, but also the simplicity and universality RUMI evoked through this poem in very strong way.

Video created by Four Seasons Productions also moving and very effective with rumi’s words. Using earth image and whole living being as combined one entity, one breath and it depicts its existence through space or infinite cosmos. Earth and its vast loneliness, but it propagated a declaration of life itself.
And it is very humble declaration.

This grand old man gives you his eyes and his wisdom……… just take it.
And Let RUMI levitate you to transcendental state of being along side him.

Only Breath

Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu
Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion

or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up

from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,

am not an entity in this world or in the next,
did not descend from Adam and Eve or any

origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.

I belong to the beloved, have seen the two
worlds as one and that one call to and know,

first, last, outer, inner, only that
breath breathing human being.

"Only Breath" was written in the 13th century by the Sufi mystic poet Jalal ad-Din Rumi.
Translated and recited in this film by Coleman Barks.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Adoor Gopalakrishnan on “commercial film” and “Indian films vs. Bollywood films”

"The moment I release my films in cinema houses, the moment people are buying tickets to see the film, it’s a commercial film. Unfortunately, we believe only singing and dancing and the improbabilities shown on the screen make commercial cinema. It’s not true. This misconception about what is cinema is widespread. Not only in our country but even abroad, Indian cinema means Bollywood. In India, we have many Indian cinemas. People tend to say, there is Hindi cinema and then there is regional cinema. It’s a wrong term to use. The best of Hindi cinema is regional. Bollywood is a cinema that doesn’t belong to anything, because it doesn’t address any particular problem. You are made to dream, but these are dreams that you wake up from feeling extremely bad. Whereas the function of art is to make you live, to love life in the most affectionate way. It should equip you to understand yourself, to make you understand the people around you, the society you live in."

----Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Indian film director

With four decades of film-making behind him, Adoor Gopalakrishnan is also the best-known Indian film-maker abroad after Satyajit Ray. He talks about why he terms all his films as commercial, the fact that his films are about Kerala, his home state, and how films reflect the changing times.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Looking at home from 30 million miles away

NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft has created a video of the moon transiting (passing in front of) Earth as seen from the spacecraft's point of view 50 million kilometers (31 million miles) away.

"Making a video of Earth from so far away helps the search for other life-bearing planets in the Universe by giving insights into how a distant, Earth-like alien world would appear to us,"

-- Michael A’Hearn,
astronomer, University of Maryland, principal investigator for the Deep Impact extended mission, called Epoxi.

During the video, the moon enters the frame and transits Earth, and then leaves the frame. Other spacecraft have imaged Earth and the moon from space, but Deep Impact is the first to show a transit of Earth.

"To image Earth in a similar fashion, an alien civilization would need technology far beyond what Earthlings can even dream of building,"

--Sara Seager, a planetary theorist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., and a co-investigator on Epoxi.

"Our video shows some specific features that are important for observations of Earth-like planets orbiting other stars,"

--Drake Deming of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. Deming is deputy principal investigator for Epoxi.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A brilliant piece from LAKSHMI SHANKAR

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Lakshmi Shankar is a Hindustani classical vocalist of the Patiala Gharana, known for her performances of khyal, thumri, and bhajans.

She is one of the leading singer in Hindustani vocal music in India today.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

When two beautiful earthlings leave this planet.........then

It’s overwhelming and touching, that all seems to feel losing somebody too close. As THE Australian woman, Olive Riley renowned as the world's oldest internet blogger has made her final post, aged 108, as she passed away peacefully on Saturday, July 12

"She enjoyed the notoriety - it kept her mind fresh,'' her great grandson Darren Stone, of Brisbane, said.

"What kept her going was the memories she had, and being able to recall those memories so strongly.''

It is communicating power and basic urge of human, those who are roaming on this earth and generate a genetically grown basic human chain which evolved with times and result of years of evolutions.

Olive’s blog, The Life of Riley

fter two-month-old Arushi-Hemraj murder case, the CBI admitted that they found no evidence against Arushi's parents Dr. Rajesh Talwar and Dr. Nupur Talwar. The CBI named Krishna, Rajkumar and Vijay Mandal as killers. The Noida police even resorted to character assassination of Rajesh Talwar and Arushi Talwar. From the very first day itself, it was evident that Arushi murder probe was heading directionless.The CBI concluded that investigation is still going on and they will come up with more details soon.

It was alleged that Rajesh Talwar was the murderer of his child. Ever since the 14-year-old was murdered, media made sure that no one missed out on the developments. Well media did its job well as all kind of imaginary stories about the little girl broadcasted. Some channel claimed that they received an MMS showing the deceased undressing herself. Now what did media achieve by flashing such those video and wild stories? Yes, they might have earned the Target Rating Points (TRPs).Those video does not help in any investigations, except bring disgrace to Aarushi’s name.

Well is it just for TRPs that a news channel works?
Where did the duties of a journalist disappear?

All those hosts of channels were mostly threatening viewer to convince stories. And behave like insane to make stories out of the 14-year-old. They all looked like gangs of wolf around this little girl.

Now some of news channel asking for apology to Aaruchi after making all disgrace to her which she may never think of in her life span.

The poor girl already suffered a gruesome end. At least, do they let her rest in peace?

So where are the duties as a journalist as they should uphold the norms and ethics of life.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Marxism 2008

Marxism 2008

Class Struggle and Resistance in Lebanon -
Speech by Bassem Chit

Resistance in Egypt - Speech by Hossam el-Hamalawy

Monday, July 7, 2008

My Sketches

My recent sketches

Grandfather beating drum on the moon

smoking ganja on the moon

Bhishma on his death-bed of arrows on the moon

Christ Carrying the Cross on the moon

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Great Indian School Show: A prototype of George Orwell’s 1984

"The Great Indian School Show" a short film by Avinash Deshpande

Synopsis: The management of a school installs arou
nd 200 cameras on campus to keep tabs on everybody and everything. What does this modern day big brother hope to achieve? What does this phenomenon in the long run?

The architect in the matrix movie series

The principal's room and Mr Principal: similar look to the matrix

Children are playing on natural ground

Children are monitored: Rhythm and flows of naturalness is attacked and effected

replica of children at school's biological organ lab

A song of praise(in a tune of popular bollywood hindi song ) for happy birthday to Madam dear

A boy is looking at camera with curiosity. Invisible but all time positioned authority vs. innocence

Most horrifying shot in this film. After watching whole film start to end as with patience (if not much habitual to quick visuals of MTV style or fast editing), this shot generated shiver in to the spine.

A pyramid diagram of Oceania's social classes; Big Brother atop, The Party in middle, the Proles at bottom (from George Orwell’s 1984)

Read report about this film by Chandrima S. Bhattachary