Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Larry Lohmann’s speech on Carbon Trading and Global Warming

Carbon trade; a game of jokers or like using band-aid to cure a disease like cancer.

Carbon trading “dispossesses ordinary people in the South of their lands and futures without resulting in appreciable progress toward alternative energy systems,” says Lohmann. “Tradable rights to pollute are handed out to Northern industry, allowing them to continue to profit from business as usual. At the same time, Northern polluters are encouraged to invest in supposedly carbon-saving projects in the South, very few of which promote clean energy at all.”

Most of the carbon credits being sold to industrialized countries, Lohmann explains, come from polluting projects that do nothing to reduce fossil fuel use, such as schemes that burn methane from coal mines or waste dumps. The bulk of fossil fuels must be left in the ground if climate chaos is to be avoided, the book Carbon Trading warns.

Larry Lohmann is the editor of Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power, an exhaustively-documented new book critiquing “carbon trading.”

Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power is available for download at

Larry Lohmann works with the Corner House, a small research and solidarity organisation in the UK. He is the co-author of Pulping the South: Industrial Tree Plantations and the World Paper Economy (with Ricardo Carrere, 1996) and Whose Common Future? Reclaiming the Commons‚ (with Simon Fairlie, Nicholas Hildyard and Sarah Sexton, 1993), and co-editor of The Struggle for Land and the fate of the Forests (with Marcus Colchester, 1993). Since then, he has published articles and book chapters on climate change, land rights, globalisation, racism, forest conflicts, development, environmental change in Southeast Asia and the politics of cost-benefit analysis. During the 1980s he lived and worked in Thailand, most of the time with non-governmental organisations.

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