Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Handicapped words

Last two days following some outstanding lectures from great science personalities of contemporary period (Nice to hear English with different/diverse geographical phonetics, like Japanese, Chinese, french....Spanish etc) in the official Opening Ceremony IYA2009 and whole year 2009 is coming up with lot activities and programs on astronomy. 

Country National Nodes

Latest Frontline with this pic on its cover.

Forgive us little one
Forgive us in the name of Ann frank

When night falls
Forgive us
In the name of fishes in the water

When day rises
Forgive us
In the name of river Jordan, mount Machu Picchu

All the winters of your subsistence
They are weeping now
Forgive them too

Twilight calls you
Never find you there on playing field
Forgive them

Forgive us
In the name of Einstein and Galileo
These two grand old men are in tears seeing your face
As Aurora stops dancing looking at you now

Forgive all electron, proton and neutrons
Elementary particles deserve a break
Seems tired, forgotten their flow

Forgive us
In the name of prayers of your grandmother
Buddha shivered in his eternity
Watching you there
As Trees are screaming in pain of Collateral damage

When birds call in the morning
Forgive the pilot bomber
Strategic bomber who acts out of patriotism
Or what ever

Forgive that debris
As they covered you so carefully
As they trying themselves
Transform to pellets of roses

Ask God while you meeting him
Not to abandon us

Forgive us
In the name of Hussein of Karbala
As you seems bearing the burden of civilizations

Forgive that photographer
The reporter who acts out of professionalism

Last not the least
Forgive me too
For all these handicapped words


a video from a friend, some time nature can teach us one or two things

1 Earthling’s comments:

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