Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, acknowledged as one of the world's greatest musicians, passed away peacefully at his home in San Anselmo, California, on June 18 after a prolonged illness.
Ustad Ali Akbar Khan once said that “music is the only thing that you can share with a million people and you don't lose, you gain”.
Here a beautiful piece of music by Ustad Ali Akbar Khan - Raag Madhuwanti
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We are the World

Emi has started a mission that carries the massage of late Micheal Jackson.
[it is interesting and little unreasonable that why black MJ wanted to become a white MJ, is this all for inferiority and social dilemma, his dislike of big nose, black skin and his likeness of Caucasian appeal, for this effort we some friends were irritated with him, actually we more to music of dire straits, pink floyd, scorpions etc, in our growing up, we usually avoided pop genre, but we listen and we bound to listen songs like “we are the world”, “heal the world”, “black and white” etc, all these song with so strong social massage and somehow reflects MJ’s anger to all injustice, social prejudice. Later part of his life he converted to Islam (according to news) and this also remind us another great black American Mohammad Ali and cause of this conversion was racial discrimination. Mother of his children is stripped off from parental right to her son and daughter in exchange of money which is also very much ironical.
But the end of the day it is his music that wins, that win heart of people, through his music he able to possess in the heart of countless people around the world, it is his music which is tirelessly propagating a true human spirit “we are the world”.]
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4 Earthling’s comments:
Hello Noni!!! Thanks for putting it up! I've added you to the master list!
Hi. I didn't know he died too. He was a true master.
@Emila Yusof:
thx for comment
hi, i've just joined this meme. Pls add me to yr list! Thanks.
A Great Pleasure
Time Goes By
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